
[스크랩] ▒ [바로크 회화] Gabriel Metsu, 가브리엘 메추 (Dutch Baroque Era Painter, 1629 -1667)

淸潭 2017. 12. 27. 13:20

  Gabriel Metsu


Dutch Baroque Era Painter

Gabriël Metsu (1629–1667) was a Dutch painter of history paintings, still lifes, portraits, and genre works. He was "a highly eclectic artist, who did not adhere to a consistent style, technique, or one type of subject for long periods." Only 14 of his 133 works are dated. [Wikipedia]

"가브리엘라 메추"는 역사그림, 정물, 초상화 그리고 '장르' 작품을 그린 네덜란드 화가 이다. 그는 한 스타일의 그림이나 테크닉을 주장하지도 않고 오랫동안 한 가지 주제만을 고집하지도 않는 "고도의 절충주의 예술가" 였다. 그의 작품 133点 가운데 날짜가 기록되어 있는 것은 단 14점 뿐이다. [문계 註解]

Old Woman Meditating, 1660-1662

The Dismissal of Hagar

Old Drinker, 1657-1658

Woman Peeling an Apple

Woman Eating

The Cook, 1657

The Sick Child

Woman Playing a Viola de gamba, 1663

A Baker Blowing his Horn, c.1660-3

A Woman Tuning her Cittern, Approached by a Man

The Intruder c. 1661

The music party

Woman reading

Woman Reading a Letter, c.1664 - c.1666


The sleeping, sportsman

The Poultry-Seller, 1662

Woman Artist, 1661-1664

The Feast of the Bean King

A Hunter Getting Dressed after Bathing, c. 1654-1656

Old woman eating Porridge

The Poultry Woman

"거기 너 있었는가"
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?


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