
[스크랩] ▒ [초현실주의 예술] Ray Caesar (영국, 1958~ ) / Nathalie, Julio Iglesias ~♬

淸潭 2017. 9. 27. 10:52

Ray Caesar

Ray Caesar (1958~ ) is an English digital surreal artist who lives and works in Toronto, Canada.
He is one of the most celebrated digital artists of the Pop Surrealism movement. 
“I feel a nostalgic hunger for the single solitary image and love the fact that in some way 
the ‘picture’ is older than verbal communication”. says the 3D artist Ray Caesar. 
His work is simply pure magic.


레이 시저는 캐나다 토론토에 거주하면서 작품활동하고 있는 영국인으로서 초현실 팝 활동을하는 3D 디지털 아티스트로서 가장 유명한 작가 중 한사람.

Ray Caesar

Artwork by Ray Caesar

Artwork by Ray Caesar

Artwork by Ray Caesar

Artwork by Ray Caesar

Artwork by Ray Caesar

Nathalie / Julio Iglesias


출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
글쓴이 : 문계 원글보기
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