문화,예술/갤러리 6518

[스크랩] ▒ 점묘화가 Paul Signac (프랑스, 1863-1935) - 點점 描묘 畵화 家가 -

Paul Signac (佛, 1863-1935) 프랑스 파리에서 태어났다. C.모네의 작품을 보고 감동하여 화가가 될 뜻을 세워 1883년 20세 때 아카데미 리브르 드방에 들어가 인상파의 화풍을 익혔다. 1884년 제1회 앙데팡당전에 처음 출품하고, 그 때 출품된 G.쇠라의 작품에 공감하여 그와 친교를 맺고부터는색채..

[스크랩] ▒ [고전미술] 르누아르의 정물(still life) -『 Flowers in a Vase』시리즈

Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841 - 1919) "Flowers in a Vase" "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Renoir- Pierre-Auguste Renoir, commonly known as Auguste Renoir (1841 – 1919), was a French artist who was a leading painter in the development of the Impressionist style. Wieniawski 曲 "Romance sans Paroles"(침묵의 로망스) L..

[스크랩] ▒ [고전미술] 르누아르의 정물(靜物), Pierre Auguste Renoir (French : 1841-1919)

Pierre Auguste Renoir French leading impressionist painter (1841 - 1919) "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world." -Renoir- Pierre-Auguste Renoir, commonly known as Auguste Renoir (1841 – 1919), was a French artist who was a leading painter in the development of the Impressionist style. with Roses still life- flowers Pomegranates..