문화,예술/갤러리 6515

[스크랩] [Pin-up Girls 컬렉션] Gillette A. ELVGREN (미국, 1914~1980) / 영화 "太陽의破片" OST

Gillette A. ELVGREN (American, 1914~1980) Self portrait (자화상) 사진출처: Wikipedia, USA Gillette A. Elvgren was born in St. Paul, Minnesota, and attended University High School. After graduation, he began studying art at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. He subsequently moved to Chicago to study at the American Academy of Art. He graduated from the Academy during the..

[스크랩] Andrew Gonzalez (미국, 1963~ ) / "Dozhdik Osennij" - Elena Kamburova -

Andrew Gonzalez (미국,1963 ~ ) Andrew Gonzalez, of San Antonio, Texas, is an award-winning figurative artist whose work has been exhibited in several countries. Born on October 13, 1963, and raised in a creative family, Andrew's art education is largely self-taught. His artist father, Anthony A. Gonzalez, encouraged his early interest in drawing and painting but gave him no ..