문화,예술/갤러리 6515

[스크랩] 18~19C 대가들의 "풍차가 있는 풍경" -Windmills-/ 슈베르트, -강 위에서 (Auf dem Strom)-

'Windmills' of Masterpiece -19C 대가들의 '풍차가 있는 풍경'- Windmill at Knokke, Belgium by Camille Pissarro Dutch Windmills by Eugene Louis Boudin Breton Landscape Windmills and Canel near Dordrecht - 1884 by Eugene-Louis Boudin (1824~1898 ) A Windmill in an Extensive Landscape by Pieter Lodewijk Francisco Kluyver Windmill of Wijk bij Duurstede by Jacob van Ruisdae..

[스크랩] "Easy Pastel Paintings" -이해하기 쉬운 파스텔 그림들- / Paul Mauriat music

---------------------- Easy Pastel Paintings Do you know what a pastel is? We are sure that you know but in case you did not know, let us tell you pastel shades are the paler shades. They almost look as if they are dull but that need not be the case. If you are still not sure, then take some blue and mix white with and the result that you get in the form of a lighter shade of ..