문화,예술/갤러리 6515

[스크랩] 18~19 세기, 유럽 귀족사회의 `로멘스`/ Donizetti 曲 -Clarinet and Guitar-

'R0MANCE'European High Societies18~19 세기 유럽 귀족사회의 '로멘스' Federigo Andreotti (1847-1930) John Cawse (1778 - 1862) Jules Girardet (1856-1938). Depart En Voyage De Noces FRAGONARD Jean-Honoré. The Musical Contestc. 1754 Frederick Hendrik Kaemmerer - An Afternoon Of Fishing Marcus Stone (British, 1840-1921) – In Love Cesare Auguste Detti -..

[스크랩] [크로키&드로잉] Alain Bonnefoit (프랑스, 1937 ~ ) / "Hier Encore" -샤를 아즈나부르-

Alain Bonnefoit -알랭 본느프와- (France,1937~ ) Born in Montmartre in 1937, Bonnefoit is one of the most highly acclaimed painters of nudes working today. Bonnefoit entered L'Ecole des Arts Appliqué and L'Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1953, before enrolling at the L'Ecole des Beaux Arts in Brussels to study Engraving and Sculpture. In 1962 he returned to Paris to stud..

[스크랩] Italian masterpieces (`이태리` 미술 거장들의 걸작 9 점) / Gypsy Love Waltz

Italian masterpieces from Spain '이태리' 미술 거장들의 걸작 9점 스페인의 국립 프라도 미술관 소장 (Museo Nacional Del Prado, Madrid, Spain) Corrado Giaquinto, Italian 1703–1766, worked in Spain 1753–62, Allegory of Justice and Peace (Allegoria della Giustizia e della Pace) c.1753–54 oil on canvas, 216.0 x 325.0 cm. Titian,..

[스크랩] 사실화가 Shiotani Ryo (塩谷 亮, Japan ) / Debussy - "아마빛 머리의 소녀"

Ryo Shiotani 塩谷 亮 Figurative painter, was born in Tokyo 1975. He acquired the classical techniques of Western painting and has made them the basis for his works. When he paints female figures or still-lifes, his creativity starts from searching for the objects that he feels are close to his life-size self and then finding reality in them. After graduating from M..

[스크랩] [여성 조각가] Carole Feuerman (미국, 1945~ ) / `Ombra mai fu` -oboe-

Carole Feuerman (American 1945~ ) Hyperrealist sculptor -극사실 조각가- '캐롤 퓨어맨'은 세계 여러나라에서 자신의 조각작품 전시회를 가졌는데 한국에서도: 클래이아크 김해미술관, 대전 시립미술관 그리고 수원 아이파크 시립 미술관에서 전시를 한 적이 있다. 그 녀의 홈페이지에는 한글로 된 Biogr..