Andrew Wyeth (미국,1917 – 2009)
Andrew Wyeth in Chadds Ford, Pa., 1997. -나이 80세 때의 모습- Sara Krulwich/The New York Times Andrew Newell Wyeth (1917 – 2009) was a visual artist,primarily a realist painter, working predominantly in a regionalist style. He was one of the best-known U.S. artists of the middle 20th century and was sometimes referred to as the "Painter of the People," due to his work's popularity with the American public. In his art, Wyeth's favorite subjects were the land and people around him, both in his hometown of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, and at his summer home in Cushing, Maine. Andrew Newell Wyeth 는 사실주의 그림에 기조를 둔 시각예술가로서 미국인들에게 20세기 중반 최고 예술인 中 하나로 인식되고있다. 주로 자기 고향 펜실베이니아 주변과 특정 인물을 대상으로 그림을 많이 그렸다.
"Christina's world, 1948 / Museum of Modern Art (가장 유명한 그림) - Christina Olsen(모델) 의 나이 55세 때- Olson is shown in the picture from the back. She was 55 at this time. -------------------------------------- Wyeth had seen Christina Olson, crippled from the waist down, dragging herself across a Maine field, “like a crab on a New England shore,” he recalled. To him she was a model of dignity who refused to use a wheelchair and preferred to live in squalor rather than be beholden to anyone. 평생을 작가 Wyeth을 위해 그림 모델이 되어준 Christina Olsen. 허리 아래 - 하반신을 전혀 쓰지 못하는 장애인 이다. 그 녀를 처음 봤을 때, 마치 New England 해안을 기어다니는 게를 떠올렸으며 비록 불편한 몸이지만.. 누구에게 신세지기는 것을 싫어했고 휠체어 마저도 거부하며 추한 대로 있기를 원했다고 Wyeth는 회상한다. 평생 모델이 되어준 Christina Olsen, 1947년 그림 (작가의 나이:30세 / 모델의 나이: 54세) Christina Olsen, 1967 Christina Olsen "Love him" Helga Testorff Helga Testorff Helga Testorff In the 1980s, Mr. Wyeth was the subject of an intense media spotlight for his "Helga" series of 45 paintings and 200 sketches. These pictures, many of them nudes, were the product of hundreds of modeling sessions with a Chadds Ford neighbor, Helga Testorf, over a 15-year period. No one else, not even Mr. Wyeth's wife, had previously known about them, and their disclosure to the public was arguably the art event of the decade.
"Lovers" 15년간 그림 모델이 되어준 Wyeth의 이웃주민 Helga Testorff . "overflow" "Barracoon" (노예수용소) Wind from the Sea, 1947 Betsy, "Maga's Daughter," 1966 “Concord River” "Church" ![]() I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious. -Andrew Wyeth- 나는 그림을 그릴 수 없을 때, 더 많은 그림을 그리는 꿈을 많이 꾼다. 그 건 내 잠재력이다. -앤드루 와이이스-
젊은시절 시사집지 "TIME" 표지에 실린 화가 Andrew Wyeth [文 溪] |
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