
초현실주의, 루이 리우

淸潭 2017. 5. 25. 10:01


Surrealist painter, Lui Liu 刘溢, (1957~ )

Lui Liu 刘溢 was born in North China and came to Canada in 1991. 
Speaking both Chinese and English fluently, Lui Liu possesses superb painterly techniques, 
his unique language that finds a wide range of audience around the world. His acquisition 
of techniques started during China's Cultural Revolution when he was a young boy painting 
posters on the streets and continued in the most prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Lui Liu

Lui Liu was born in March 1957 in North China and came to Canada in 1991.
Speaking both Chinese and English fluently,
Lui Liu possesses superb painterly techniques, his unique language that finds
a wide range of audience around the world.
His acquisition of techniques started during China's Cultural Revolution
when he was a young boy painting posters on the streets and
continued in the most prestigious Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing.

Valse D`ete ( 지난 여름의 왈츠 ) /Salvatore Adamo


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