내 다시 바다로 가리
그 외로운 바다와 하늘로
내가 원하는 건 오직 돛대 높은 배 한 척
길을 안내해 주는 별 하나
그리고 물을 밀어내는 키바퀴와 바람의 노래
펄럭이는 새하얀 돛
해면에 어린 뽀얀 안개와 훤히 트이는 동녘 하늘 뿐
내 다시 바다로 가리
붙잡지 못할 우렁찬 바다물결 소리는
나를 향한 거세고도 분명한 부름
내가 원하는 건 바람세차고 흰 구름 떠 있는 날
튀는 물보라 날려가는 물거품
울어대는 갈매기
내 다시 바다로 가리
정처 없이 떠도는 집시처럼
바람이 칼날 같은 갈매기의 길로
고래 헤엄치는 곳으로
내가 원하는 건
껄껄 웃는 친구들의 신나는 얼굴과
그리고 긴 당번시간이 끝난 뒤의 고요한 잠과 달콤한 꿈
그리운 바다 . . . . . . . . . . 존 메이스필드 (John Masefield, 1878 -1967, Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom )
Between the Tides
Warrington Museum & Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
But O for the Touch of a Vanished Hand
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
A Chip off the Old Block
Ferens Art Gallery - Hull
Painting - oil on canvas
A Daydream
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
(also known as possibly 'Maternity')
Penlee House
Painting - oil on panel
Day Dreams
Bristol Museum and Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas
Departure of the Fleet of the North
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
A Fisherman's Son
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
In Memoriam
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas
Victoria Art Gallery
Painting - oil on panel
An Interesting Story
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
In the Evening of Life
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
In the Firelight
Leeds Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
Ferens Art Gallery - Hull
Painting - oil on canvas
The Missing
(also known as A Scene in a Cornish Fishing Village)
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
An Old Cornish Woman
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas
The Old Salt
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
A Reverie
Penlee House
Painting - oil on canvas
Silent Sorrow
Private collection
Painting - watercolor
Still Life
Royal Cornwall Museum
Painting - oil on board
The Sunny South
Penlee House
Painting - oil on canvas
The tender grace of a day that is dead will never come back to me
Gallery Oldham
Painting - oil on canvas
Never morning wore to evening but some heart did break
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas