Intetnational Cow Parade
세계적으로 유행하는 건물 외벽 그림(Mural Painting)과 대도시에서 흔히 볼 수 있는
거리의 조각작품 중에서 Cow Parade.
예술적 가치는 따지지 않고도, 각국의 문화의 특성과 전통이 잘 보이는 작품들입니다.
우리나라의 한우가 빠져서 아쉽습니다.
▼ Argentina – Buenos Aires
Cowdoneón - artist Grupo Azafrán Sebastián Masegosa
▼ Belgium - Brussels
“ Marilyn Moo-nroe”
▼ Brazil – Belo Horizonte
▼ Brazil – São Paulo
“Cow Pererê” - artist Bruno Okada
▼ Brazil – São Paulo
“Cowdí“ – artist Estevão da Silva Conceição
▼ Brazil – São Paulo
“Ethnic Cow” - artist Adriana Banfi
▼ Brazil – São Paulo
“Cowmen Miranda” - artist Patricia Golombek
▼ Brazil – São Paulo
Got'a Cowld - artist Thais Machado
▼ Brazil – São Paulo
The Thinker Cow artists Felipe Madureira - Luiz Almeida - Kiko César
▼ Czech Republic - Prague
“Kudrnatá” - artist Aleš Lamr
▼ Czech Republic - Prague
“Modrá” - artist Gymnázium Voderadská
▼ England - London
“Harry Potter Cow” - Sponsor Warner Bros.
▼ England - London
“Punk Moo-zic” - artist Louis Havell
▼ England - London
“Mooer's Moomalade” - artist Ben Cook
▼ France - Paris
« Le temps de la séduction » … or… cowcinha… artist Chantal Thomass
▼ France - Paris
“Mens agitat molem” - artist Fredéric Périmon
▼ France - Paris
That’s the question… artist J & M moulène Denime
▼ Greece - Athens
“Ancient Toy”
▼ Greece - Athens
“ La vache qui li”
▼ Hungary - Budapest
Ice Cow
▼ Ireland - Dublin
“Gla-moo-ur” - artist Louise Kennedy
▼ Italy - Florence
La Fiorentina Butcher Cow artists De Micheli Marco & Giovannetti Leonardo
▼ Japan -Tokyo
Cyber cow - artist Team Macaron
▼ Japan -Tokyo
Cyber cow – detail - artist Team Macaron
▼ Japan -Tokyo
Cowmics Heroine - artist Mariko Ueno
▼ Japan -Tokyo
Japan Flag - artist Rei
▼ Mexico - Mexico city
▼ Monaco - Monaco
”Champion Cow” - artist Ters
▼ New Zealand - Auckland
“Art Decow” - artist Otis Frizzell
▼ Poland - Warsaw
”Krowa Rasy Warszawskiej” - artist Ewa Brykowska
▼ Portugal - Lisboa
▼ Portugal - Lisboa
“Cowmões” - artist Joana D'Eça Leal
▼ Romania - Bucharest
»Varca Lui Noe » or Noah's Arcow - artist Mihai Tenovici
▼ Russia - Moscow
▼ Russia - Moscow
“Learning to fly”
▼ Slovakia - Bratislava
“Ta-krava-ta” or Cowvata - artist Daniel Bidelnica
▼ South Africa – Cape Town
“Sisonke (We are one)“ - artist Vuyani & Phyllishia Fluke
▼ Spain – Barcelona
“Chaws” - artist Laia Rodriguez
▼ Sweden – Stockholm
“Viking cow” - artist Henrik Nilson
▼ Switzerland - Geneve
Cowtek Philippe
▼ United Kingdom - Edinburgh
“Cowzan” - artist Caroline Fearon
▼ USA - Boston
“Trojan Cow” - artist Kathryn Field
▼ USA - Boston
“Vincent's Cow” - artist 'Sidewalk Sam'
▼ USA - Harrisburgh
Mood Morning!
▼ USA - Houston
“Cowpernicus” - artist Bruce Monical - Art Square Studios
▼ USA - Houston
“Mooisha the Moomaid” - artist Shelley Buschu
▼ USA - Houston
“Salvador Cowli” - artist Merry Calderon
▼ USA - Las Vegas
“The Las Vegas Show Cow” - artist Angelic Fedevich
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