
Luigi Premazzi Italian painter, mainly of watercolor view Milan, 1814 – Istanbul, Turkey 1891

Catherine Palace, with the Cameron Gallery Private collection Painting - watercolor
바람의 찻집에 앉아 세상을 바라보았지 긴 장대 끝에서 기도 깃발은 울고 구름이 우려낸 차 한 잔을 건네받으며 가장 먼 데서 날아온 새에게 집의 안부를 물었지 나 멀리 떠나와 길에서 절반의 생을 보내며 이미 떠나간 것들과 작별하는 법을 배웠지 가슴에 둥지를 틀었다 날아간 날개들에게서 손등에서 녹는 눈발들과 주머니에 넣고 오랫동안 만지작거린 불꽃의 씨앗들로 모든 것이 더 진실했던 그때 어린 뱀의 눈을 하고 해답을 구하기 위해 길 떠났으나 소금과 태양의 길 위에서 이내 질문들이 사라졌지 때로 주머니에서 꺼낸 돌들로 점을 치면서 해탈은 멀고 허무는 가까웠지만 후회는 없었지 탄생과 죽음의 소식을 들으며 어떤 계절의 중력도 거부하도록 다만 영혼을 가볍게 만들었지 찰나의 순간 별똥별의 빗금보다 밝게 빛나는 깨달음도 있었으나 빛과 환영의 오후를 지나 가끔은 황혼과 바람뿐인 찻집에서 차를 마시며 생의 지붕들을 내려다보고 고독할 때면 별의 문자를 배웠지 누가 어둔 곳에 저리도 많은 상처를 새겼을까 그것들은 페허에 핀 꽃들이었지 그러고는 입으로 불어 별들을 끄고 잠이 들었지 봉인된 가슴속에 옛사랑을 가두고 외딴 행성 바람의 찻집에서
바람의 찻집에서 . . . . . . . . . . . 류시화 (1958- , 대한민국 시인, 번역가)

View of Piazza San Babila, Milan (1839) Gallerie di Piazza Scala

Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. White Drawing-Room (1870) Private collection Painting - watercolor

Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Concert Hall (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

Interiors of the Winter Palace, The Bedroom of Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1859) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Golden Drawing-Room (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

A drawing room of the New Paul Palace in Saint Petersburg (1870) Private collection Painting - watercolor

Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Green dining-room of Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1852) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

Interiors of the Winter Palace. The White Hall of Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1865) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

The Library The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. Main Staircase (1871) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. Main Staircase (1871) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Ballroom (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Blue Drawing-Room (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Dining-room (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Dining-room (1869) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Drawing-Room (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Main Study (1869) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Study of Baroness Stieglitz (1870) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Crimson Parlour of the Alexander Palace (1855) Private collection Painting - watercolor
Mansion of Baron Stieglitz. The Supper-room (1871) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Mansion of G.G.Kushelev Luigi Premazzi Private collection Painting - watercolor
Afternoon Pursuits of a Lady
The Neva Embankment The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Piazza Castello in Turin (1842) Private collection
Rose Pavilion in the Lugovoi Park in Peterhof (1850) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor
Rose Pavilion in the Lugovoi Park in Peterhof (1850) The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg Painting - watercolor

View of the Maggiore Hospital of Milan (1842) Gallerie di Piazza Scala Painting - oil on canvas

(Duos Concertants For 2 Violins, Op.57-2)

2020. 4. 3. Creamrose
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