Feng Chiang-Jiang / 馮長江
(Chinese, 1943~)
Feng Chang-Jiang was born in the ancient cultural city of Xian, Henan Province.
With his talent and effort, he was awarded numerous times and was recognized as an
"Eminent artist" In 1997, Feng relocated to New York to further develop his artistic career.
His exhibitions in the U.S. were successful and aroused the interest of many foreign
viewers and collectors. His works have been exhibited throughout the world and are
treasured by many museums and collectors as works of art.
Feng Chang-Jiang 은 중국의 옛 고도 河南省의 西安市 출신이다.
스스로의의 재능과 노력으로 많은 상을 수상 하였고으며 자신의 예술적 경력을
더욱 발전 시키고자 뉴욕으로로 옮겨 1997년도 "Eminent artist" 가 되었다.
미국에서의 전시회들은 성공적으로 많은 해외 미술애호가들의 관심을 불러 일으켰었다.
여러 곳에 전시된 작품은 박물관과 개인 수집가들에게 비싸게 수집되었다. (문계 註釋)

In Our Tears -Jan Werner Danielsen-