Jean-François Portaels Belgian painter of genre scenes, biblical stories, landscapes, portraits and orientalist subjects
The Rose Vendor (1864)
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침묵으로 책망하지말고 침묵으로 책망하는 것은 아픈 마음을 얼음 바늘로 찌르는 것입니다
님이여나를 아니 보려거든 차라리 눈을 돌려서 감으셔요
흐르는 곁눈으로 흘겨보지 마셔요 곁눈으로 흘겨보는 것은 사랑의 보(褓)에 가시의 선물을 싸서 주는 것입니다
차라리 . . . . . . . . . . 한용운 (韓龍雲, 萬海, 1879-1944, 대한민국, 승려,시인,독립운동가)
Choosing the Rose
Contemplation (also known as Oriental Lady)
Flower Girl from Trieste (1853) Painting - oil on canvas
At the Theater
Double Portrait, the Betrothed (1870) Painting - oil on canvas
Jephta's daughter
The Necklace
An Oriental Beauty Private collection Painting - oil on board
An Oriental Beauty
An Oriental Beauty
The Pearl Necklace
Portrait of a Lady (1879)
Portrait of Paul Deroulede (1877)
The Present
A Sicilian Bride Private collection
The Simoon, souvenir of Syria (1847) Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique - Brussels
Sisters (1860) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
The Slave Market (1853)
Smoking a Hookah
White Lilac
Woman in a Hat
Woman in Red Tunic
Woman of Tanger
The Yellow Butterfly
A Young Girl in Folk Costume
Young Woman with Flowers Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Haouisha (1874)
Young Woman from Tanger (1874)
토스티 (Francesco paolo Tosti), 비밀 (Segreto)
2019. 8. 10. Crcamrose
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