거리만이 그리움을 낳는 건 아니다
아무리 네가 가까이 있어도 너는
충분히 실컷 가깝지 않았었다
더욱 더욱 가깝게
거리만이 아니라 모든 게
의식까지도 가깝게 가고 싶었던 것이다
그리움 . . . . . . . . . . 전혜린 (田惠麟, 1934-1965, 대한민국 수필가, 번역문학가)

Berlin Street in Late Fall
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Am Kurfürstendamm
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Strolling in the Forest
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Alexanderplatz, Berlin
Private collection

Autumnal Brook Landscape in the Evening Light
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Autumn Mood on Grunewaldsee

Berlin at Night
Private collection
Drawing - charcoal

Berlin Seascape in the Evening Light
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Berlin Street at Night
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Berlin street in early spring
Private collection

Evening street scene with figures, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas
그리움과 먼 곳으로 훌훌 떠나 버리고 싶은 갈망
비하만의 시구(詩句)처럼
'식탁을 털고 나부끼는 머리를 하고' 아무곳이나 떠나고 싶은 것이다
먼 곳에의 그리움(Fernweh)!
모르는 얼굴과 마음과 언어 사이에서 혼자이고 싶은 마음
텅 빈 위(胃)와 향수를 안고
돌로 포장된 음습한 길을 거닐고 싶은 욕망
아무튼 낯익은 곳이 아닌 다른 곳
모르는 곳에 존재하고 싶은 욕구가 항상 나에게는 있다
전혜린 (田惠麟, 1934-1965, 대한민국 수필가, 번역문학가)

Berlin Street in the Sunshine
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Berlin Street with Cabs in the Rain
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Boulevard in Paris
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Café Bauer
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Charing Cross, London
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

The Coast of Rügen
Alte Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Drawing - pastel

Dutch Village
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Dutch Village with Washing Woman
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Evening at Café Bauer
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Evening mood on a lake in Grunewald
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

The Fence
(also known as Farmyard with Well)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Galerie im Café Vaterland am Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Gargenlichtung am Zaun
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Grunewaldsee, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Herbstlandschaft (Mark Brandenburg)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

In Front of the Cafe
(also known as Berlin at Night)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Interior with Woman at the Piano
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Italian Shore
(also known as Italian Landscape)
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Lady and Gentleman in a Café
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Lake Garda with Mount Baldo
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Lake in Mark Brandenburg
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Landscape at Sunset
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Leipzig Street
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Mother and Child in a Street Crossing
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Motiv vom Schlachtensee
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Newspaper Reader at the Café
(also known as Gentleman at a Coffee House)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Night Lights
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Nocturnal Street Scene
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Nocturnal Street Scene
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Nollendorfplazt at Night
Alte Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Painting - oil on canvas

On Lake Garda
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Parisian boulevard at night
Lesser Ury (1880-1881)
Painting - oil on board

Paris, Rainy Day at the Quai Voltaire
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Paris, Sunrise
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Rainy Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

The Red Carpet
Israel Museum

Rocks at Capri
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

The Sewing Machine
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Street Scene with Woman, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Stroller in Tiergarten
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Sunset over the Grunewaldsee
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Thames Bridges in the Twilight
(also known as London Bridge)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Tiergarten Avenue with Siegessäule
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Tiergarten, Berlin
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

The Tiergarten, Berlin
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Traffic Jam at Potsdamer Platz
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Two Girls walking along the Street
Painting - oil on canvas

Unter den Linden
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

View over Nollendorfplatz
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Village Road at the Edge of the Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Waterloo Bridge Emerging in the Sunlight
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Tiergarten Walkway in Autumn
Private collection

Unter den Linden in the Rain
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Rainy Day in London, Thames Port
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Unter den Linden after the Rain
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

차이코프스키 (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky), 사계 작품37 10번 가을의 노래
Octobre - Chant D'automne
Denis Matsuev, piano - Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano

Self-Portrait with Brush and Palette
Lesser Ury - 1910
오늘날 폴란드 땅인 비른바움(Birnbaum)에서 제빵 마이스터의 아들로 태어난 그는 12살이 되던 해에
베를린으로 이사했고 18세인 1879년부터 1880년 까지 뒤셀도르프 쿤스트 아카데미에서 회화 전공으로 수학한다.
이후 브뤼셀에서 학업을 마친 뒤 파리로 건너가 프랑스 화가들과 교류를 이어가며 값진 예술적 경험을 한다.
1887년 부터 다시 베를린으로 돌아와 활동할 때 이미 베를린 예술계의 최고 권위를 가졌던
아돌프 멘첼(Adolph von Menzel)의 추천으로 베를린 미술 아카데미의 장학금을 받을 정도로 실력을 인정받았다.
이후 로비 스코린트로 하여금 베를린 분리파(Munich Secession)의 회원이 된다.
19 세기의 마지막 몇 년 동안 독일과 오스트리아에서 진보적 인 예술가들에 의해 형성된 몇 개의 분리주의 중
하나이다. 그의 작품은 교외풍경, 도시 풍경 및 실내 장면으로, 어두운 실내의 차분한 색조에서 밤의 가로등
효과에 이르기까지 인상파적 방식으로 처리되었으며 눈부신 빛을 표현한다.
Ury는 특히 밤의 카페 장면과 비오는 거리의 그림으로 유명하다.

2018. 10. 11. Creamrose