1962 Born in Kanagawa Prifecture,Japan 1983-86 Kanagawa Prifectural Exhibition 1985 Graduated from the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts And Music, finishing the Japanese Painting Course at the Fine Arts Department 1987 Selected for the first time in the 72nd Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute 1988 Selected for the first time in the 43rd Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute Yume-no kai Exhibition (every time to this day) 1989 The 44th Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute 1990 The 75th Exhibition of the japan Art Institute 1991 The 76th Exhibition of the Japan art Institute The 46th Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute Nominated as an associate member of the Japan Art Institute 1992 The 77th Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute New artists' Wave(Tokyo Art Club) Exhibition 1993 The 78th Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute The 48th Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute 1994 The 79th Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute The Exhibition of Four Artists Depicting Animals Shunko-kai Exhibition 1995 The 50th Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute 1996 The 81st Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute The 51st Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute Tokyo Exhibition of Selected Newly Coming-out Japanise Painters Samazama Exhibition The first Sketching trip to Bhutan 1997 The 82nd Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute The 52nd Spring exhibition of the Japan art Instisute 1998 The 83nd Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute The 53rd Spring Exhibition of the Japan Art Institute Yo-Yo Exhibition The First Saisai-kai Exhibition The second sketching trip to Bhutan 1999 A solo Exhibition at Kurita Art Shop 2000 Solo Exhibition "Far Away Bhutan" at Nagoya Matsuzakaya, Matsuzakaya Ginza, Kyoto Daimaru and Tenmaya Fukuyama 2001 Suo-no-kirameki Exhibition in Otomatsu-garo,Yamaguchi April Solo Exhibition in Kiyomizu, Kyoto November Solo Exhibition in Kurita Art Shop, Ginza Solo Exhibition in Gallery Masuga, Fukusima 2002 February Exhibition -gem of contemporary japanese painting arts (Auspices Yomiuri Shimbun Company & Yomiuri business group of light and love .) Suo-no-kirameki Exhibition in Otomatsu-garo,Yamaguchi April Solo Exhibition in Saikaya, Fujisawa November The Third Saisai-kai Exhibition 2003 March Exhibition HOTARU-kai in Gallery TADU 2003 April Exhibition NIHOMBASHI-kai ONWARD GALLERY NIHOMBASHI 2003 June Exhibition Passage of the wind Seibu Art Forum 2003 June Exhibition Takanawa-kai 2003 Takanawa Prince Hotel 2004 November Solo Exhibitionn in Mitsukoshi, sendai Presently an associate member of the Japan Art Institute The Second Saisai-Kai Exhibition
Provance(프로방스) - Hideyo Takakuwa
출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
글쓴이 : susyya 원글보기
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